1st Canadian Lecture Series with Michael Barwick
Join us for the first part of what we hope will become a regular monthly lectures series and a way for Canadian students and teachers to mix and mingle online.
You’re able to purchase the entire lecture series for $125, or individual lectures for $25.
When Structure Meets Chaos: Navigating the Saturn-Uranus Square
In myth, Saturn and Uranus are ancient gods in conflict and resulting from their struggle, Venus ultimately is born. How can this myth inform the challenges we individually and collectively face in 2021 as reflected by the upcoming squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus? Can we bring order to the chaos that has infected the world? Is a great reset really possible? What will the new-new normal be? Zoom in to learn about the Saturn-Uranus planetary cycle historically, its impact in the here and now, and strategies for managing unstable circumstances.
Michael Barwick is a professional astrologer with over 30 years of experience. He maintains a practice centered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and is an international speaker and teacher. In addition to maintaining two blogs, Michael specializes in providing readings that employ both modern and classical astrological techniques to help empower clients to make more creative and conscious choices in their lives. Check out his writings at michaelbarwick.com and magusbear.com.
Michael Barwick, Toronto